桶谷 拓也

桶谷 拓也 (おけたに たくや)

Amazon Web Services Japan K.K.

Amazon Web Services Japan K.K. / Solutions Architect
Beer is food. Liquid food. Like soup.
Interested in Okinawa, Cloud, AWS, JS, Node.js, Amazon Echo and Alexa.
My favorite services of AWS are Amazon SQS, Amazon Polly and Amaon Lex.

Introduction to Amazon AI and Machine Learning

最新技術動向(4F 第6演習室)

Introduction to Amazon AI and Machine Learning(仮)
最新技術動向(4F 第6演習室)

AWSが提供するAI(Artificial Intelligence)や機械学習のサービスについてデモを交えつつ分かりやすくお伝えします。